Open Cell Insulation is superior to most types of insulation. Spray foam insulation exceeds other insulation types in regard to R-value, resistance to mold, air sealing, dependability and function. Spray foam insulation is very versatile in it’s use of different applications including attics, roof decks, ceilings and walls.
The 1-part foam can be found in most home improvement stores, is packaged in a spray can and is mostly used to seal cracks and small gaps. For home insulation purposes, we use a 2-part spray foam insulation.
Open cell insulation is used for larger jobs and is a system made up of separate ingredients that are mixed onsite to start a chemical reaction that expands. The compounds are pumped into an application nozzle and applied to the specific site of insulation.
Open cell insulation is made from polyurethane and isocyanate. When applied open cell reduces air leakage better than any other type of insulation. It fills the nooks and crannies of unusually shaped building cavities easily.
Open cell spray foam is a light material and is a low density product and can be used to fill larger areas with less material. It has great sound proofing qualities. It has an R-value of 3.5 per inch and is a more affordable choice, but not as effective as closed-cell foam, in terms of density/insulation value.
Open cell foam insulation should not be used in areas where there is moisture contact, such as below grade areas, and does not provide additional strength to support walls.